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High Holy Days.   2024-5785

תִּכָּתֵבוּ אַתֶּם וְכָל יְדִידֵיכֶם לְשַׁנָּה מְלֵּיאָה אִם בְּרָכוֹת בְּרִיאוּת וְסִמְחָה


T’ka-tei-vu a-tem v’chol y’di-dei-chem l’sha-nah m’lei-ah im b’ra-chot b’ri-ut v’sim-cha

May you and your dear ones be inscribed for a year of blessings, good health, and happiness.

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah Day

Tashlich - Jiggs Landing

Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre

Yom Kippur Morning


Neilah/Afternoon Service

High Holy Day Schedule and Information for 2024-5785

Wednesday, October 2

Thursday, October 3

Thursday, October 3

Friday, October 11

Saturday, October 12

Saturday, October 12

Saturday, October 12

7:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m.

6:30 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m.

12:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

Services will be conducted by Temple Beth El Rabbi Tuviah Schreiber and Chazzan Miriam Blau, accompanied by the TBE musicians, Albert Rosenstein on bass and Maxxine Smith on flute.

Respecting Holiness

We request that all attendees dress appropriately to maintain the sanctity of these holiest days. The TBE Sanctuary is a special place for spiritual connection, reflection, and prayer. We ask that during High Holy Day services, congregants refrain from wearing tank tops, spaghetti straps, mini-skirts, shorts, or T-shirts during our High Holy Day Services. Gentlemen, no shorts, please. Suggested attire for men would be suits, jackets, or blazers. It is also customary to wear white on Yom Kippur Day.
Please turn your cell phone off or place it on vibrate and refrain from social conversations once the service begins.

Registration Information (You may register online starting July 22, 2024)

TBE members' registration must be received by Sunday, September 1, 2024.

Temple Beth El members who meet the registration deadline will be given priority.

Non-member registration must be received by Sunday, September 15, 2024.

High Holy Days / Kol Nidre Donations

We do not charge for High Holy Days seating but instead rely on the generosity of those who attend our services.  This makes it possible to keep our doors open all year round and to serve the entire Jewish population in Manatee County.   Whether you attend in person or virtually, please be especially generous with your Yizkor and High Holy Days/Kol Nidre donations. 

Break-the-fast is on your own with family and friends.

Safety and Security Information

  1. Capacity will be limited to 150 persons in the building.

  2. You must register to attend. Only those who pre-register will be seated.

  3. For the safety of all attendees, a photo ID will be required at each service.

  4. Armed security officers will be present on the premises. No weapons, please.

Parking and Directions

Volunteers will be present to direct parking on Temple grounds. DO NOT PARK ON PERIDIA BLVD.

Temple Beth El is located at 5150 Peridia Blvd East, Bradenton, 34203, in facilities shared with the Braden River Presbyterian Church. We are just off State Road 70, less than a half-mile west of Lockwood Ridge Road, on the north side of the highway. Turn into Peridia Blvd. There is a sign for Peridia Golf & Country Club.

Please note: the entrance is through the golf & country club community, not the Peridia office park.

The Yizkor Book / Book of Remembrance - Submissions will be accepted beginning August 1, 2024

All names and donations for the Yizkor Book must be received by Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Click here to see a small sample of our Book of Remembrance.  To enter name(s) in our Book of Remembrance, click here.

About Temple Beth El

Temple Beth El is a small Reform congregation led by Rabbi Paul Schreiber, aka Reb Tuviah. We are an inclusive community that welcomes everyone, regardless of their religious orientation or degree of observance.  We serve the local Jewish population, our membership, and the community. We aim to unite people of diverse backgrounds to celebrate our common bond.  We encourage interfaith families to participate as full members.  We see ourselves as family and gather weekly for Shabbat services and fun family events, interesting lectures, dinners, films, and performances.  Please consider joining us.


All of us in the Temple Beth El Family wish you and those dear to you a happy and healthy New Year. We look forward to your participation in our High Holy Days services.

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