Giving Opportunities
Temple Beth El is a Reform Synagogue in Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida. Its members are warm, friendly, and inviting. We welcome people from all over Manatee County and its surrounding areas who are looking for a place to worship, study, socialize, and learn. We would love for you to come and see…
In addition to membership dues, we rely on the generosity of people to keep our Temple running. Please consider us when thinking about donations.
Beautification Fund: For enhancement of the building.
Cantorial Fund: To fund cantorial guest soloists at temple services.
General Fund: For the operation of the Temple. (often for charitable reasons).
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: may be used for any purpose that the rabbi feels appropriate;
Security Fund: To increase security at TBE.
Tova Risha Fund: Scholarship for Temple’s Religious School.
Tree of Life: A leaf can be engraved and added to the Tree of Life in the Lobby
Future Expansion Fund: As we grow, the need for more space is becoming apparent. Please consider donating to our future expansion fund so we can continue to grow both in membership and in structure.
In Honor Of Fund: To honor or recognize someone or to thank a temple volunteer.

High Holy Days
We look forward to greeting you and wishing you “L’shanah Tovah.” Our services are open to all, without charge. We depend greatly upon the generosity of those who attend our High Holy Days services to keep our doors open all year round.
You may mail your check to the Temple or you may contribute online below.
Your financial support will make a great difference and is much appreciated.
L’shanah tovah tikateivu
May you and your dear ones be inscribed for a year of blessings, good health, and happiness.

Planting trees in Israel is a beautiful way to show you care. In fact, we’ve been planting trees in Israel for over a century. It connects us to the land, it celebrates our joys and it literally plants a stake of hope and optimism in the future of Israel.
Each tree ordered comes with a certificate of your choice, mailed to the recipient with your personal message. Buy trees now.