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shabbat morning religious school

Shabbat School Schedule:

9:30-9:55  Student arrival, parsha of the week, and Hebrew instruction with Rabbi Tuviah


9:55-11:30   Instruction including Jewish ethics, history, holidays, liturgy, arts & crafts, music, and outdoor activities.


11:30-12:00   Participation in the morning Shabbat service in Sanctuary which includes the Torah processional, singing, and dancing.


12:00 Kiddush lunch with the entire Temple Beth El family  (During kiddush, the children share with the congregation their learning, songs, writings, artwork, Hebrew skills, etc.)


Temple Beth El Shabbat School…

  • offers classes for children 6-13.

  • is solidly rooted in the learning and practical application of Jewish values.

  • offers dynamic, engaging monthly family programming and service projects centered around Jewish values, culture, and tradition, as well as such themes as Shabbat, the Jewish holidays, and Israel.

  • emphasizes Hebrew fluency and comfort with religious services.

  • approaches religious school experiences through highly innovative, creative, project based, deeply meaningful and relevant teaching and learning practices and experiences.

  • During their last 2 years of study, the students will be trained more rigorously and individually for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah.


For the 2022-23 school year, we are very excited to introduce our students to a new curriculum called Shalom Learning! Throughout the year, the Temple Beth El Shabbat School students will focus on the following sequence of core Jewish values:


  • Teshuvah - taking responsibility for your actions

  • B'Tzelem Elohim  - honoring the image of G-d in ourselves

  • Gevurah - using one's inner strength and outer strength

  • Achrayut - doing what you can to make the world a better place

  • Hakarat Hatov - seeking joy and being grateful

  • Koach Hadibbur  - understanding the power of words

  • Shalom - helping to create a more peaceful world


We begin each unit with a kick-off program, explore each value during the following weeks, incorporate holidays that tie into the value, and complete our learning about the value through a meaningful hands-on experience (e.g., field trip, service project, etc.) All grade levels focus on the same value, so children within families can discuss and share with each other. Kick-off and final events for each unit involve family programs, so parents and children can share the joy of experiencing Jewish learning together, as well as with our greater school community.



The benefits for the child and parents:

  • Exposing every student to an authentic Shabbat service every week

  • Opportunities for student participation in various parts of the service

  • Opportunities for students sharing of their learning

  • Confidence building; providing opportunities for children to speak in front of the congregation

  • Students hearing the Torah read in Hebrew from the Torah Scroll

  • Building relationships with the larger TBE community

  • Making it easier for parents to attend Shabbat service

  • Teachers’ ability to reinforce concepts taught in the classroom

  • Giving the child an opportunity to form connections with elders

  • Exposing the child to the beauty of Shabbat

  • Being part of larger Jewish community

  • Demonstrating to the child the parent’s commitment to prioritizing Shabbat


The benefits for the Temple Beth El Community:

  • Bringing youthful energy into the Sanctuary

  • Sharing Shabbat with the children of TBE

  • Opportunities to hear student participation in various parts of the service

  • Opportunities to hear students sharing of their learning

  • Building relationships with the families of TBE

  • Giving the members an opportunity to form connections with the children

  • Members being a part of a child’s progression

  • Members acting as role models for the children

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